您们好。必赢线路检测3003no1本学期第四次学术午餐会定于2009年4月17日(周五)12:00-13:30举行,欢迎大家到时参加。午餐会上将会为到场听众准备便餐。希望在会上用餐的老师请发邮件给王莎莎订餐 ( shaltong@vip.sina.com)。(小提示:为了避免浪费,会上所提供的餐食严格按照之前预定的份数提供。因此请有意用餐的老师务必事先预定。多谢合作!)
主讲人:Matthew Pollard (澳大利亚国立大学博士生)
题目:Was the United States Lucky? The Distribution of Global Equity Premia
The equity premium puzzle in US stocks is resolved by a simple model for luck across countries. The observed premium of the US and other successful countries are positively biased since they are implicitly conditioned on being the largest observations over a period of history. After correcting for sample selection bias, the observed US equity premium is consistent with an exante premium of zero. A simple model is used where the return on every global market has equal mean and variance, and equal ex-ante equity premium of zero. It is tested against long term equity returns for 39 countries over 50 years. The model correctly predicts the winning country`s ex-post premia and Sharpe ratio with US values; the distribution of all countries expost premia and the distribution of market capitalizations. This suggests the US premium is signicantly lower than long-term historical estimates and luck is a sucient explanation for long-term dierences in countries equity markets.